Thursday, August 14, 2008

What do you do when . . .

An old seminary bud has posted some interesting thoughts on pursuing your passions, regardless of the results. Be sure to read my comment and follow-up question to his thoughts.

I'll repeat my question here with some elaboration. I believe God has given us all talents, gifts, and passions. The three are not the same,though overlap may exist. Talents are those things we do naturally well. Gifts are those things God gives us and enables us to do "divinely well" (as Zola Levitt described them) for the purposes of building up the body of Christ and the Church. Passions are those things we relentlessly pursue because of the fulfillment they bring.

Here's the question. What do you do when your talents, gifts, and passions lead you in three different directions? Do you devote more energy to one at the neglect of the other? I pose this question because of the personal dilemma I am currently experiencing. I believe that I have certain gifts that will not be used unless I am in a brick and mortar church. I have discovered and re-discovered some passions that I am now pursuing. I am finding great fulfillment in them, though, perhaps selfishly. My new job as 7th grade math teacher certainly utilizes what I consider some of my natural talents.

Granted, there is some considerable overlap among the three areas. However, in the case of the gifts not being utilized, what do you think? Personally, I believe that I am being led to find another medium whereby they can be employed, not restricting them to the rigid paradigm of the brick and mortar church as the only church. (Forgive my lapse into intellectual speak) Besides losing yourself in your own introspection about your personal situation, I'd like your thoughts. How do you divy up your energy between talents, passions, and gift when there are all different?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I still say that you're using your teaching gift as a math teacher and that still fits in with God's purposes, even though the "teaching" is not in a church.
So, your gift and talent are in sync, from my perspective. What passions are you speaking of that don't fit with that?