Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Rediscovering & Re-implementing Biblical Leadership

This morning I came across a great article by Alan Hirsch on leadership in the church. It's a great article no matter what type of church you are part of. Here it is.

Here's a quote that particularly struck me:
During Christendom, the centuries when Christianity dominated the culture, the church acquired a fundamentally non-missional posture. Mission beyond the walls of the institution was downplayed because every citizen was deemed at least a nominal Christian already. What was needed were pastoral and teaching ministries to care for and instruct the congregation, and to draw underdeveloped Christians back into the church on Sunday. (emphasis mine)

For the last several years, I felt like I have spent most of my time doing that last part. I always referred to it as reconnecting de-churched Christians. What I really wanted to do was be more involved in the apostolic, prophetic, and evangelistic aspects of leadership. For one reason or another, the particular environments I was in made that difficult. As I embark on this new chapter of ministry and life as a follower of Christ, I must be careful that I don't overemphasize these roles to the neglect of shepherd and teacher.

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